Is Your Horse Sleep Deprived?

…paradoxical sleep are usually the cure.” Physical Causes: When it Hurts to Sleep Bertone has found that equine sleep deprivation can have a variety of physical causes. Older horses for…

How Horses Sleep

…experts will share their insights–so read on to learn your horse’s sleep secrets…and what he needs to sleep best. To Sleep, Perchance to Flee Not every horse falls asleep waiting…

Equine Insomnia?

sleep deprived, just like humans. The symptoms are similar as well-a sleep deprived horse might suddenly close his eyes and buckle at the knees-falling asleep on his feet. When he…

Are You in Shape to Show?

…their number on, missed the second spin in their horsemanship pattern and how they got the coffee stain on their new white shirt. Study after study shows that sleep deprivation