Manna Pro recalled its Family Farm Complete Horse 10 horse feed on Jnaury 28, as it may contain monesin sodium (Rumeinsin).
Monensin is a naturally occurring antimicrobial produced by the fungus Streptomyces cinnamonensis. It is used to kill coccidia in chickens or added to the feed of feedlot cattle as a growth promotant. Monensin is also potentially toxic and the horse is particularly sensitive. Poisonings have occurred with feeds containing as little as 84 grams (3 ounces) per ton. Intestinal problems and “poor thrift” may be seen with very low level exposures. The worst danger is to the heart, where monensin causes destruction of the heart muscle and death from heart failure. Cases may continue to appear several months after the initial exposure.
The feed was sold in California, Nevada and Oregon, and retailers have been notified to pull the product from their shelves.
At press time, the limited voluntary recall only applies to Family Farm Complete Horse 10, lot 1006.