The Azteca Horse is a relatively new breed of horse that was developed in 1972 in Mexico, by the crossing of Andalusian horses, Quarter Horses and Criollos. The International Azteca Horse Association was formed in 1992 to promote the further development of the breed on an international level.
The worldwide registry for Azteca horses is maintained by the Azteca Horse Association of Mexico for the International Azteca Horse Association. Currently there are about 1,000 registered Azteca horses, including horses in Mexico, Central and South America, the US, Canada and Spain.
The Azteca horse is known as the National Horse of Mexico.
The Azteca may have from 3/8 to a maximum of 5/8 Andalusian or Quarter Horse blood, while the percentage of Criollo may not exceed 1/4. Horses must conform to a specific phenotype that has been created for the breed in order to be registered as Azteca horses. The Azteca combines the best qualities of the three founding breeds.

The Azteca is an elegant horse which stands between 15.0 and 16.1 hands, with females being slightly smaller than males. They have the straight or convex profile of the Andalusian with expressive eyes and small, alert ears. They have a medium to prominent wither, short back and rounded croup. They have a deep girth, with plenty of heart room and good strong legs with hard, good quality hooves. The coat is silky and the mane and tail are full. Only solid colors are acceptable.
The Azteca horse is a very versatile horse known for its elegant paces. They are tractable and easy to train and do well in equestrian disciplines requiring collection and elevation, such as the high school disciplines.
They are used by Mexican cowboys, or charros, for all manner of ranch work. In addition, they are used in reining, cutting and team penning events.
Their comfortable paces and good temperament makes them good pleasure mounts and their bravery, agility and grace has suited them to partner the Rejonero (a bullfighter)