If you keep your horses at home, spend a fall afternoon that’s too nasty for riding inspecting the premises. Check your door latches, fence posts and stall boards for rot and deterioration and replace any fixtures that may be in need of repair. Replace your old light bulbs with compact fluorescents now for energy savings in the dark of winter. Drag you water tank heater and extension cords out of storage and give them a test run-before you really need them. If you haven’t started blanketing your horses yet, now is the time to check that your horses’ blankets fit and you have the proper weight blanket for each horse.
How does your first aid kit look? After the busy summer and fall season, replenish your kit for winter by making sure you have the following:
• Working thermometer
• Iodine Solution
• Hydrogen Peroxide
• Neosporin or other antibiotic cream
• Non Steroidal anti inflammatory such as Bute and/or Banamine (particularly useful for colics, since Banamine is not only a pain reliever, but has also been shown in some studies to ameliorate mild colics.
• Sterile, non-stick gauze
• Elasticon wrap (or Vet-Wrap)
• Cotton balls
• Sterile alcohol
• Injectable tranquilizer (and knowledge of how and when to use it).
• Clean standing wraps and quilts.
In addition to the first aid kit, it’s a good idea to keep a “health tools” kit in a safe place that is easy to find. The kit should include:
• An easy boot
• Bandage scissors
• Wire Cutters
• Pliers
• Twitch
• Hoof pick
• Extra halter and lead rope.
Once you have your kits assembled, store them in a safe, easy to access place.