Fighting Equine Diseases Takes More Than Timely Vaccinations

If You Have To Spray, Do It Smart 

Sometimes you have no choice but to use spray to protect your animals and yourself from pesky and potentially harmful insects. These can include Mosquitoes, Gnats, Ticks, Wasps, Horse and Deer Flies, No-see-ums, Chiggers, Fleas, Culicoides and more, as well as regular House Flies and Biting Stable Flies.

You should not have to spray very often for House Flies and Biting Stable Flies if you are using Fly Predators, unless you are away from your property or started them late in the season. However, Fly Predators do not affect all the other insects that might be in your vicinity so we’ve always said it’s OK to spray, but do it appropriately. 


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