What does it mean to have heart? I’m sure you could ask twenty different people and get close to twenty different opinions but I would bet the most common answers to this question would have something along the lines of grit, perseverance, forgiveness, patience, and trust.
Heart is beyond simply finding the will to motivate; heart is what gets you to stay there and never give up. Heart is found in stillness and is seen in action and there is no better example of that then in the thoroughbred racehorse. As I have been very fortunate to have shared many experiences with horses, different trainers, and throughout different countries, I try my best to remain a sponge, to never stop learning and embrace what the horses try to teach me everyday which is; have heart!
Now let me ask you this, what does it mean to you when something or someone gives you heart? Its pretty amazing isn’t it! As a horse trainer there is one resounding thing that horses give us, and it is heart. They give themselves freely, to mold them, to be with them, to push them to their limits however, with this we should also be reminded that this precious part of the horse is our honor and responsibility to guide by never forgetting what they give to us so freely. The biggest examples of this is there willingness to learn from one discipline to the next, their ability to forgive, and their ability to give of themselves no matter what.
I have been a very strong supporter of the thoroughbred breed as a whole; should that be in racing, show, pleasure, and even breeding. To me this particular this breed resonates to my sole and through their influence in my life I feel that I am always finding ways to not only better myself but also help educate those around me. On October 21st I will be leaving my farm in Nottingham, Pennsylvania and traveling to the Kentucky Horse Park in Lexington to compete in the Retired Racehorse Project as well as speak during one of their many informative seminars they will be hosting at this event.
This will be my first time competing in this type of event and I have been partnered with a young mare named Mosaicist who belongs to the retirement program supported entirely by Ninety North Racing Stable who campaigned her as a racehorse. Mosaicist and I will be going into this is as competition showcasing the training of both hunter and jumper styles. Even though Mosaicist has only been in training for a few months I am happy to exhibit the versatility and heart that she has in coming along as far as she has in such a short amount of time! I am also hoping the majority of people embrace what the Retire Racehorse Project is all about ‘creating advocates and educators in the sport and recreation riding world’ to help promote the thoroughbred into second careers after their life at the racetrack.
By competing, by raising awareness, by simply giving these horses a voice we are making a difference everyday and I hope that somehow you too could be inspired by what the thoroughbred has to offer us – they definitely make your heart race!
If you have a moment to help support the journey of retraining and educating the thoroughbred horses I would really appreciate your vote towards the Thoroughbred Ambassador Award which will be present the final day that we will be competing in Kentucky on October 26th. You can vote here from this link
Scroll down to Priscilla Godsoe with Mosaicist and cast your vote! We would really love your support!