In 1996, six time Olympic Dressage rider, Robert Dover, together with R. Scot Evans, Gene Mische, Mason Phelps, Jr., Robert Ross and Kim Tudor established the 501(c)3 Equestrian AIDS Foundation (EAF). Their first board directive stated that EAF would provide direct support to equestrians living with HIV/AIDS. And provide they did, helping equestrians in need for the past 10 years.
Although it has grown and expanded, the Equestrian Aid Foundation, as the organization became known as in 1996, has always prided itself on how it delivers service. Financial support from EAF is provided directly to the petitioning equestrian or their representative. Funds donated to EAF are used to provide various essentials that may include medical needs, health insurance, food and housing, transportation, physical therapy and more.
Today, Equestrian Aid Foundation’s Mission is to build a membership based organization to assist anyone in the equestrian world suffering from life threatening illness, catastrophic accidents or injuries by providing direct financial support for their medical or other basic needs.
Its pledge is to treat?clients with dignity and respect while promising its members and sponsors the highest level of fiduciary responsibility with their dues and donations.