Step One: Identify your areas of skills and interest.
– English or History: journalism, advertising, turf writing, publishing, author, pedigree researcher, announcer, etc.
– Math: accountant, auditor, statistician, database manager, etc.
– Science: chemist, geneticist, virologist, nutritionist, veterinarian, etc.
– Art: photographer, musician, sculptor, painter, illustrator, graphic designer, motion picture director, etc.

Step Two: Explore careers that can involve horses.
– Medicine: veterinarian, veterinary technician, first aid personnel at events, therapist (physical, massage, acupuncture), dentist, chiropractor, etc.
– Business: accountant, lawyer, executive for associations, farm management, management in an equine products company or equine organization, etc.
– Transportation: horse trucking company, pilot service with equine specialization, trailer sales, etc.
– Industrial: carpentry, engineering, clothing designer, manufacturing (tack, feed, facilities), etc.
– Technological: computer program designer, website maintenance, computer
Step Three: See if a career with direct contact with horses is a match.
Step Four: See if any careers with indirect contact with horses are a match.
Step Five: Find out what the horse industry has to offer.
– Horse Shows/Rodeo: judge, course and jump designer, stock contractor, pick-up rider, event management
– Racing Industry: steward, paddock judge, clocker, track superintendent, mutual clerk, catering manager, security, stable manager, track photographer, exercise rider, etc.
– Recreation/Pleasure: park ranger, parks and recreation administrator, travel agent, event organizer, guide, boarding stable owner, etc.
– Support Services: tack manufacturer, pharmaceutical sales, horse transportation, feed supplier, trailer sales, etc.
Step Six: Get the education you need!
Will you need to have a bachelor?s degree, advanced degree or obtain your PhD?
This depends on what occupation you choose. Your guidance counselor or University representative will be able to help. It is also important to talk to those in the industry that hold the type of position you desire to gain and ask them what type of education they needed.
How do I find an equine college once I have chosen a career path?
A good website that ranks horse schools, can be found at
This article is presented courtesy of the American Youth Horse Council