We went to www.equine.com and checked out the A Home For Every Horse Program, under the Rescue Tab.We found a lovely chestnut mare (OK, we know, chestnut mares! But, really, this one looks lovely.)
Kitty is an Appendix Quarter Horse, standing about 14.2 hands. She’s five years old with no soundness issues. She’s friendly, easy to catch and handle. She’s started under saddle (as you can see!). On a scale of 1 to 10, she’s a 4 (1 is bombproof).? The rescue facility was asking $3,000, but now they say to contact them for a price. email Claire at HCWEquineRescue@sympatico.ca. Kitty is at the Heaven Can Wait Equine Rescue in Cameron, Ontario, Canada. http://www.heavencanwaitequinerescue.org (This group will even help you make trailering arrangements.)