June 2013 Preview

Our June issue is at the printers, and it’s full of information to help your horse budget and equine care!

Headshaking in Horses: Simple Symptom, Complex Cause -?The elusive cause(s) of headshaking must be flushed out on a trial-and-error basis.? That means you take an educated guess at the most likely cause and then work to eliminate it. This approach can cost time and money, but sometimes that is the way things go in the horse world. ?Each of the problems listed can be chased down through various diagnostic modalities . . .

Internet Medicine: Can you get valid veterinary advice’ – ?Some folks always try to find the cheapest, simplest solution to a problem, and the Internet has become their crutch. I’ve seen questions in chat rooms marked ?emergency.? Seriously . . .

Shock-Absorbing Shoes – ?You can find specialized shoes made with a metal core and a poly urethane or rubber molding on the outside. The advantage here is increased thickness of concussion dampening material, hence more shock absorption. There are several shoes on the market that offer this . . .

Every Horse Can Be On The Bit –?While there is a strict set of parameters for what the horse’s body must look like in the dressage arena, the truth is your horse can be on the bit without necessarily having the shorter, more upright neck most often seen with upper-level dressage horses. Frames can range over a variety of positions, and they can have different purposes.

Urgent Care: Lacerations -?A running hose will often do the job though in cold weather you may need to simply pour water over the area. A chlorhexidine wash would also be good to use after you have removed any big debris like bedding or dirt. . .

Veterinary Wellness Plans -?it’s a hunk of money to put down all at once.? Although rates for these services vary widely, as would be expected since veterinary costs are driven somewhat by geographic area, most basic programs hover between $500 and $600 per year per horse.? Most offerings don’t list individual costs of the services but boast about discounts ranging from a low of 8% to as much as 35% off of regular fees ?. . .

And our regular departments – Ask Horse Journal, Safety Thought, Fix A Problem, Did You Know’ and more . . .

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