Media Critique: Peter Leone's Show Jumping Clinic


If you’re easily bored by gray type, check out this book. You’ll find plenty of eye-grabbing sidebars and art. It’s also informative, broken down into easily understood sections and sidebars that make you feel like you’re actually at a clinic. You can simply open the book and read enough to learn something in just a few minutes.It’s that well-designed. 

We especially appreciated the Spot Checks to ensure you’re doing things correctly, and the Try This sidebars that help you resolve problems. Leone also takes a solid look at proper training, and we applaud his Salt and Sugar section on the Art of the Ride, which leads into developing feel, that concept so many of us struggle to achieve. 

The excellent illustrations and photos show you each of his training concepts in action.

Best suited for: Anyone interested in training and competing hunters and jumpers.

You’ll be disappointed if: You have no interest in jumping. It has solid information on training and flatwork, too, but the focus is truly toward the hunter/jumper crowd.

Bottom Line: Outstanding. A fast read, beautifully designed. We could’t stop picking it up to look again.

Lee Foley, Contributing Farrier Editor

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