A Touch of Healing with the TTouch Method

…and gentle Tail Pulls. Tail pulls relax his neck and back, activate the cranial-sacral fluid that runs through his spine, and help release tight muscles in his hindquarters. The Coiled…

Letters: 07/99

…Animal Health & Productivity University of Pennsylvania ———- Tail Chewer In response to Crystal Fenton’s May 1999 letter, the problem with mane and tail loss could be simpler than a…

TTouches for Trail Emergencies

…make it hard to perform circles. Tail Pulls Use for: Exhaustion, fatigue. What they do: The tail is actually an extension of the nervous system and contains 18-24 vertebrae. Relaxes…

Married with Horses: Holiday Tails

Continued from Married with Horses: Love and Sacrifice | © Andy Myer Jingle Bells (with new & improved horse farm lyrics!) The coffee’s on by four The cats get their…

Horse Grooming Tips for Show Day

…your show, apply Mane ‘n Tail shampoo and conditioner to your horse’s mane and tail. After his mane and tail are wet, use a comb, rather than a brush, to…

Good Grooming Tips from the Pros

…hours. After that they get a good rooming with a rubber curry, brush, and vacuum to remove the dead hair and stimulate the oil glands. We keep tails in bags,…