Letters: 06/02

…up my horse expenditures at the end of the year, I mentally thank you for helping me make my budget stretch further. -Deborah Carr Bluegrass Farms North Carolina ———- Prescription…

Chat: Show Jumper Peter Leone

…in eq classes in the US was not fundamentally in line with top level riding and show jumping. I think over the last few years it’s become better, our eq…

Tennessee Walking Horse

…Primary Uses: Today, Tennessee Walking Horses are used for virtually every equine purpose. They excel on the rail and on the trail. They are favorite mounts for handicapped riding programs…

Your Role as Parent

…Plus, it’s fun and rewarding for both of you. For more information and to find a therapeutic riding center near you, contact: North American Riding for the Handicapped Association www.narha.org…

The Golden Years

…lot of love from instructors and riders both. You can learn about therapeutic riding programs and horse donations by visiting the North American Riding for the Handicapped Association website (www.narha.org)….

10 Gaited-Horse Myths: Busted!

…excel. From ranch work to police work to handicapped-riding programs, there are hard-working gaited horses everywhere. They often do well in open competitions, and are increasingly popular for such activities…

Clinton Anderson Gets Mohawk for Charity

…style they chose. The cost for a ticket was $5–all of which went to benefit the non-profit North American Riding for the Handicapped Association (NARHA), Anderson’s charity of choice. In…