Dressage Saddle Selection

…athletic shoe that fits precisely and molds itself to the foot for maximum comfort and utility. Riders generally shop for one saddle that will fit both themselves and a specific…

Find the Bit That Fits

Bits have been a cornerstone of riding equipment for thousands of years, and remarkably little has changed over the centuries as ancient horsemen to modern dressage enthusiasts have all used…

Rider Fitness Tip for Mature Riders

…the density they once had, making an accident potentially more serious. Riding as your only activity does not create enough cardiovascular stimulation to keep you fit for riding. This means…

5 Fear Busters for Riders

…guide you. (Find many equestrian-fitness books and DVDs at www.EquineNetworkStore.com.) Bonus benefit: Strong, fit riders are better riders–period. For one thing, their cues are more precise and effective. “It’s the…

Horses: The Fitness Fix

…standing in the garage until a child feels like riding it. Plus, the activities associated with riding and caring for a horse can provide a full range of health benefits,…

A New Look at Winter Riding

When the weather outside is frightful, then outdoor riding definitely begins to look less delightful. And if you don’t have an indoor riding arena, then the appeal factor really wanes….