Learning to Train Young Horses

…Hassler, director of training at Hilltop, wanted to create a symposium that would underscore the immense importance of proper early training to ensure that the young horse can make appropriate…

Training Yearlings

…on leading, change directions a lot, stop, back and turn your yearling toward and away from you. Have set expectations, but also keep training sessions short and positive. Your yearling…

Horse & Rider’s 2001 Articles Index

…pg. 63 TRAINING, JOHN LYONS Retraining biting horse, Ask John Lyons, Feb., pg. 46 Avoiding a fight, Ask John Lyons, March, pg. 42 TRAINING, MISCELLANEOUS Ground Work Clicker-training technique for…

Breaking Versus Training

Training “Mythunderstandings” ?Practical Horseman. All Rights Reserved. Many people who are training horses will ask them questions that the horse has no way of understanding or answering. Then they will…

Horse Logic

Training “Mythunderstandings” Good horse training is boring to watch. It looks like nothing is happening. Many people are impressed by training methods that are nothing more than a blatant series…