Your Barn Needs A Supply Of Vetrap

Although they’re a bit pricey for long-term daily use, self-adherent elastic bandages do many jobs well, and a supply should be on hand in every barn. These wraps are lighter…

Barn Budget Controls

…come in the barn. I don’t think any horse should grab a full flake of hay and be forced to shake it themselves in order to get a bite to…

Riding In The Barn

Never ride a horse in the barn aisle, whether at home or away at a show, and never mount a horse beneath the underhang of a building. One of the…

Wireless In The Barn

We love cordless clippers. They’re convenient for shows and perfect for those who lack a barn with crossties and/or electrical outlets. Cordless is also great for large, busy barns where…

How Safe is Your Horse’s Barn?

How safe is your horse’s barn? Does it provide adequate precautions to protect your horse against disease? The University of Guelph has a short interesting quiz that you can take…

Smart Solutions for Summer at the Barn

…bugs that come with summer can make it tough to enjoy your time at the barn. Luckily, SmartPak has smart solutions to help you and your horse beat the heat…

Reducing Horse Bedding Use in Barns

Using less bedding for your horse stall in your barn will save you time and money. Less horse bedding use means cleaning horse stalls will be easier and quicker (since…