Controlling Nuisance Birds

…your barn of birds. Eliminating areas where birds can roost, destroying nests and repairing any holes in the barn’s structure eliminate access to nesting areas. In cases of severe infestations,…

Barn Fire at Oasis Farm

April 6, 2011 – Early yesterday morning a barn fire destroyed the main barn belonging to long-time Arabian breeding farm, Oasis Arabians, located near Cincinnati, OH.? The farm, co-owned by…

Facing The Unthinkable

…quickly in a barn than in most other structures, because just about everything that a barn is made of or contains burns easily. Barns have long open aisles and lots…

Winter Prep: Fall Barn-Chore Checklist

…your barn. If you need new rubber mats in your stalls, new gravel around your barn, a new hose or even light bulbs, take care of those needs now. Moving heavy…

Hiring A Horse-Sitter

…you headed out to the barn at 4:30 in the afternoon, and at 6:15 you closed the barn doors. Next, note the little quirks about your farm and your animals….

Fresh Barns Are Healthier

…reduce the ammonia is a step in the right direction. Obviously, daily cleaning of your horse’s stall and removal of the wet spots is important. In addition, your barn should…

Take Tractor Safety Seriously

Maintenance Basic tractor safety includes following the tractor manufacturer’s general maintenance requirements and recommendations, such as the time frame for changing oil. (It’s going to be listed in hours rather…