The Groundwork Waltz

…work, you gain more control of your horse. It improves any horse’s behavior in all areas. It can be a foundation to teach your horse to lead better, perform better…

How to Catch a Runaway Horse

…the horse you want to catch. We’re used to thinking of horses as coming directly toward us, but that’s unlikely, especially in the case of a horse who doesn’t want…

Groundwork with Your Dressage Horse

Sometimes dressage riders think it is enough to teach their horses the movements, but they don’t take into account that a young horse needs more than just movements to excel…

Own the Perfect Patient

…for me. Skill No. 1: Turn to face. You’ll teach your horse to turn to face you when you approach. Problems solved: Your horse is a prey animal. The first…

Dressage Today Letters to the Editor

…is also referenced. Bitless schooling of the dressage horse alleviates muscle injuries to the horse, teaches the horse self-carriage, teaches the horse collection, teaches the horse balance, teaches the horse

Bridlework Ballet

…communication system from the ground that we do from the horse’s back. Dance Lessons Keep the horse walking forward through the exercise. Ask your dance partner (your horse), for his…

Seven Things to Teach Your Trail Horse

horse’s world turn upside down while ambling down the trail. 6.Teach your horse to: Maintain his independence from other horses. If your horse is friendly with his herdmates, that’s fine….

Finding the Right New Owner

horses with new owners, but whose advice carries to selling horses of all types. “Since horses can’t talk, it’s our responsibility as owners, sellers, buyers, agents, and trainers to do…