When to worry about coughs

horse away from the others.” A coughing horse with a respiratory illness can easily spread it to other herdmates. After moving the horse, be sure to wash up and maybe…

Finding the Right New Owner

horses with new owners, but whose advice carries to selling horses of all types. “Since horses can’t talk, it’s our responsibility as owners, sellers, buyers, agents, and trainers to do…

Bridling Your Horse

…index finger raises the horse’s top lip. No sense going beyond this step until the horse holds his head still and relaxed. Keep your horse’s head down and his neck…

Horse Clinic Cafeteria

…own horse, and review how and why they should work. Be your horse’s advocate. If someone rides your horse in a way that’s unsuitable, don’t hesitate to ask him or…

Don’t Chase Your Loose Horse

…lead his horse slowly toward the loose horse so that the loose horse can buddy up. • If the horse wants to leave the group anyway, turn and leave him….

Easing Your Horse into Retirement

…every older horse deserves. When to say when An acute injury usually leaves little room for doubt when it comes to planning a horse’s future workload. A horse with a…

Making Headway

…can safely work with your horse in extreme situations without endangering himself or your horse. Remember, too, no horse wants to be head shy. If we can show him he…

Leading Like a Pro

…Obedient and willing horses will lead as such and make a horse owner’s job much more fun. John Lyons teaches several horse training tips to get your horse leading right….