Chat Transcript: James Baxter

…grommit – James, what’s up after Sinbad for you? Lugia – neighing and body language JamesBaxter – Mosa–A good understanding of mechanics and acting ability. Lugia – I saw this…

Letters: 03/02

Improves Understanding I was impressed with Margaret Freeman’s January 2002 editorial, “The Grass Isn’t Greener” and the article, “Boarding Stables: A Labor of Love.” Improving people’s understanding of what it…

When Your Horse Needs Electrolytes

…may need the added boost of supplemental electrolyte powders, pastes or gels to speed his return to normal. By understanding what electrolytes are, and the conditions that might deplete them,…

Getting Properly Hitched

The proper marriage of your trailer and truck revolves around understanding trailer hitches-and the important function they serve in the hauling process….

Breeding Horses For Color

Horses come in all colors, and increasingly, veterinarians and breeders are understanding what traits are dominant in terms of passing specific color patterns on to future offspring, particularly in the…

Chapter 7: Young Traditions

…his way through every department had given him a deep understanding of the business. Sally, Mary Ida’s daughter, had also been promoted to the top of the company, but she…

The Three “Rights” of Deworming

…parasites present at your farm. Parasites that threaten equine health Having a basic understanding of the parasites that can be a risk to your horse can help you better navigate…