Horses in Cold Weather

Horses can have icicles hanging off their fur and be perfectly warm underneath. Blankets There are a few reasons to use blankets and a bunch not to. Horses who are…

An Open and Shut Gate on Horseback

…teach a show horse are going to come into play out on the trail,” Bonham says. In fact, Bonham’s former show horses often make excellent trail horses because they already…

Inside Look: 2011 Road to the Horse

Horse Champion. This year’s clinicians are Clinton Anderson, Chris Cox and Pat Parelli. These competitors will select a horse out of the remuda, a group of 10 horses, and begin…

Controlling Movement (Part I)

…to be alert, attentive and confident in order to learn effectively. Becoming the best horseman or horsewoman you can be enables your horse to become their best. Shaping our horse’s…

The Groundwork Waltz

…work, you gain more control of your horse. It improves any horse’s behavior in all areas. It can be a foundation to teach your horse to lead better, perform better…

How to Catch a Runaway Horse

…the horse you want to catch. We’re used to thinking of horses as coming directly toward us, but that’s unlikely, especially in the case of a horse who doesn’t want…

Feeding for weight gain

…flies. Horses can expend huge amounts of energy stomping, shaking and running away from pests like horseflies. If biting flies are a problem in your area, protecting your horse with…

Groundwork with Your Dressage Horse

Sometimes dressage riders think it is enough to teach their horses the movements, but they don’t take into account that a young horse needs more than just movements to excel…