Skill-Building: A Stitch at a Time

…riding on drill teams. This extensive experience also helped her realize what a great skill-builder pattern riding can be. Many of her students are highly motivated beginner-level to novice-level adult…

Less is More When Giving Aids to Create Balance

…series of interactive training DVDs called Sensitive Schooling. They cover training from how to supple and engage the novice horse to piaffe and passage. Her websites are and….

Tackle Trail Challenges

novice rider. When you do face these trail challenges, follow these strategies from top trainer/clinician Lynn Palm. Trail Challenge #1: Riding Uphill When you come to a steep uphill, stop…

Get Your Sluggish Horse Moving

novice rider or perhaps even by a rider with poor body control, making them sore. Poor riding could also make them mentally sour, forcing them to sort of retreat inward,…