Tackle Insulin Resistance

…overproduce glucose as part of their insulin-resistance metabolism. Genetics. Insulin resistance is built into the horse’s metabolism, and tHere’s compelling evidence that this is genetically determined. While severely overweight animals…

When Resistance Is A Good Thing

…However, this can quickly cause selection for drug resistance. To avoid worsening the current known resistance issues, use reduced-dose ivermectin followed by full-dose pyrantel pamoate, piperazine (Farnam Alfalfa Pellet Wormer),…

Rumor Buster: Insulin Madness

…word is getting out, but it’s not good if you let unjustified concerns over insulin resistance cause panic and upheaval. Insulin resistance involves problems when the horse has handling high…

The Year-Round War on Parasites

…adult horses often have a strong resistance to infestation by intestinal parasites. They develop this over time through exposure to the parasites. Their immunity can be so strong that many…

Insulin Resistance in Horses

…calling Syndrome X, a constellation of medical problems in people that included insulin resistance, obesity and a predisposition to vascular problems. One of the things found with human IR was…

Joe`s New Life

…now knows he had red flags of insulin resistance. ”Around here,” she said, ”we recognized ‘pasture founder’ but not the cause.” In her area, the horsemen knew spring and fall…

Diabetes In Horses

We’re familiar with diabetes in humans, but not many people know that horses can also have diabetes and blood-sugar problems. “Insulin resistance” is sometimes called “pre-Cushing’s” because it was felt…

Resistance Appears In Fenbendazole

…were felt to confirm fenbendazole resistance in the small strongyles on these farms. (See also ivermectin resistance, November 2003.) Also With This Article Click here to view ”Skip Injectable Dewormers.”…

Horse Deworming: A Modern Approach

…still a great strategy. Although some resistance to pyrantel has been reported, it’s not necessarily more likely to develop in horses receiving daily doses. In fact, there’s more resistance to…