You Can Become A Hind-End Lameness Sleuth

…the front because of tendon/suspensory problems, bucked shins or inflamed splints, the diagnosis is usually clear and easily confirmed. Knee problems produce pretty characteristic gait changes, and that diagnosis can…

‘Why Does He Do That?’

…times and tried to control the behavior with a martingale, but it just got worse and worse. The diagnosis: When a dental exam, skull radiographs, and endoscopic examination of Frank’s…

The Lame Horse

…specific diagnosis and a treatment plan, but guess what? Sometimes basic shoeing changes and some conservative use of medications, along with careful overall management, may still be the key to…

Potomac Horse Fever Risks

…intestinal wall can result in edema of the legs and/or abdomen. Diagnosis & Treatment Obviously, diagnosis and treatment need to be rapid, but unfortunately diagnosis of PHF is not easy….

Navicular Disease in Horses

…Some horses it seemed to help, others not, and this theory remains one of the most controversial and least widely accepted among veterinarians. Difficult Diagnosis Navicular: It is well accepted…

Tying-Up In Horses

Diagnosis The symptoms of tying-up are usually characteristic enough that it’s not a difficult diagnosis to make. Nevertheless, there have been instances where colic, acute back pain, even bilateral coffin…

Lyme Disease Calls For Prompt Action

…the diagnosis, but this test is not widely available to veterinarians. In most cases, the veterinary diagnosis is based on a combination of positive blood test results, residence in a…

6 Things you may not have known about Pigeon fever

…horse’s body through a cut or abrasions. Often, the swellings that appear on the chest, legs or hindquarters are confused with those caused by kicks from pasturemates. 3. DIAGNOSIS OFTEN…