Rolling and Rising

…and well-timed physics. A horse rises by first rolling onto his breastbone with his legs tucked beneath him. He then raises his head high, which lifts his chest slightly and…

Baxter Black: The Spare Horse

…cinch, no breast collar and a narrow fork that didn’t fit the mare very well. “I traded work for this spare saddle. Didn’t cost me a dime!” bragged Mel who…

Tack Safety

…the Rest The same safety checks that you make on your saddle and bridle should be made on any other equipment you use – be it martingales, breastplates, or a…

Supplements Head Down Approval Path

…passed. You can join the CASA Coalition (, which will keep you abreast of developments. You can also let your state’s AAFCO representative ( and state lawmakers know that you…

Using Draw Reins and Side Reins

…horse. Position the loop ends halfway between his elbow and the bottom of the saddle flap. (Some professionals attach the loops to the center ring of a breastplate yoke, or…

Chat Transcript – Kim Vinoski

…wraps: I try to stay as simple as I can in the bitting department. My horses always wear a breastplate when they’re in jumping tack–a pet peeve of mine!. KimVinoski…

Ask Horse Journal: 07/01

breastplate, crupper, and the equipment you will be carrying on the trail). The most important criteria in the selection of your new saddle is fit. A so-so fit that works…

Chantilly Saddle Yields Comfort And Feel

…riders add or double wrap D-savers, which push the leather rearward about 1/8” to 1/4”. D-savers are actually intended for breastplate connection but also provide secure docking for a saddle…