Save Time With Prefab Stalls

…was the lightweight 20-gauge tubing used for grillwork bars. Ramm Fence Systems In 1999, Ramm replaced its catalog kit system with a new version of heavier-gauge steel for less money….

Hooves Resist Magnetic Therapies

…Systems, Inc 20 Baldwin Dr Branford, CT 06405 800/722-1228 IC Combo II Impulse Corporation 2390 West 2200 South Ogden, UT 84401 801/731-0867 Equine Magnetic Therapy 124 Lentz Road Winlock, WA…

Chapter 10: Young Turk

It was a beautiful spring morning and the last of western Massachusetts’s snow had melted away. The forsythia was in full bloom, the first daffodils were nodding their yellow heads…

Chapter 9: A Young Team

Wilbur Fenelon Young III and Donald Smith were in the boardroom, sleeves rolled up, deep in conversation. Late afternoon sun filtered through the blinds, casting striped shadows across the advertising…

Chapter 8: Young Blood

Bill Young was thinking. It was 6:30, and he was sitting in his office and playing with a bottle of Absorbine Jr.® by the light of his desk lamp. He’d…

Chapter 7: Young Traditions

Each Sunday, Wilbur F. Young III, who was now running W. F. Young Company, loaded the kids into the station wagon and headed to Mary Ida’s. The children would wear…

Chapter 6: As Young As You Feel

This was still the time she loved the best. Each Sunday afternoon, Mary Ida Young met her daughter Sally at the stable for a ride, rain or shine. They didn’t…

Chapter 5: Young Guns

…well. Hard to believe they had worked together for more than 20 years now — through the early years and the small factory on Monmouth Street, back when they had…

Chapter 4: Young Once

Mary Ida Young heard the birdsongs before she opened her eyes, naming them one by one: the humble robin, a boastful chickadee, a trilling song sparrow, the haunting distant melody…