Ask Horse Journal: 05/00

…look so nice in the spring and summer. Fresh vegetation is rich in essential fatty acids, high in protein, loaded with antioxidant vitamins A and C and has a wide…

Pony Problems: Grain

Vitamins and Minerals: The National Research Council guidelines for horses are safe for ponies. As a rule, any vitamin-mineral or protein-vitamin-mineral supplement formulated for horses on grass hay can be…

Ask Horse Journal: 04/00

…once a regular exercise program starts. What is essential is a generous and balanced supply of all the minerals, vitamins and amino acids (protein) she needs to grow, exercise and…

Battles With Cosequin Appear At An End

…issue of Dietary Supplement Market View, the monthly analysis of the vitamins, minerals, and herbals marketplace, to summarize the company’s current position: “The company announced recently it has agreed to…

Rings On The Hoof: A Health Record

…demand/need for key vitamins, minerals and proteins/amino acids. If demand exceeds supply, available nutrients will go to the area/system that has the emergency need instead of to the feet. Changes…

Ask Horse Journal: 10/99

…is Vita-Key’s Antioxidant Concentrate (800/539-8482), which has generous amounts of chelated trace minerals and antioxidant and stress-related vitamins. ———- Scrambles In Trailer I have a three-year-old Arabian-Andalusian cross mare that…

Letters: 09/99

…as well as the other important Bs. Stress in general, as well as infections/injury, will increase needs for all B vitamins. If the horse is not already being supplemented, you…

Ask Horse Journal: 09/99

…she was receiving any particular supplements she may not be getting now, especially B vitamins. Far less likely, but worth considering given the excessive nature of her kicking, is that…

Controlling EPM From The Inside Out

…specially formulated grain mix together with the EPM supplement that contains all essential vitamins in water-soluble form, generous antioxidant levels, chelated minerals and buffers to alkalinize (raise pH) the body….