Tips for Effective Electric Fencing

To function at its best, your electric fence needs to deliver a consistently strong jolt all the way around. By wiring temporary and permanent gates as shown in the following…

5 Horse-Containment Options

…to $300 per kit, electric fencing is less expensive than portable corrals, but more expensive than hobbles and some tying options. Pros: Portable electric fencing is relatively cost effective, packable…

5 Horse-Containment Options

…to $300 per kit, electric fencing is less expensive than portable corrals, but more expensive than hobbles and some tying options. Pros: Portable electric fencing is relatively cost effective, packable…

Field Guide to Horse Fences

fencing priority is to remove it. Building codes may ultimately determine fencing requirements for your land, but some general rules of thumb apply nearly everywhere. Field fences should be 54…

A Fence Can’t Contain Horse Love

…Like flexible rail fencing, vinyl fencing requires little maintenance. A periodic check to make sure posts are straight is about the only maintenance required, according to Disbrow. ?“Horse owners should…

Horse-Friendly Zoning

…install new fencing? The local ordinances might require only wood fencing, which might, down the line, affect your plans to install metal or PVC plastic fencing. If this is the…

Controlled Grazing Maximizes Pasture

…rate) will pay off in greater long-term gains (more nutritious grazing). Fencing Strategy Your controlled grazing strategy begins with a look at your perimeter fence, which must be well-maintained and…

Prevent Horse Fence Failure

…will protect your animals. 1. Build your fences to standard specifications. Even the most expensive fencing materials won’t work if you cut corners on installation. People who buy prefabricated fencing

How To Build A Critter Fence

…help keep critters out of, or inside, your wood- or pipe-railed pastures is the application of 2″ x 4″ wire-mesh fencing. (Fix-it tip: Such fencing is safe for horse barriers,…