Getting Properly Hitched

…get as high as 8,000 pounds gross trailer weight and 800 pounds maximum tongue weight. Weight-distribution hitch: Weight-distribution hitches use the same frame-mounted receivers as weight-carrying hitches, but they add…

Get Fit, Ride Better

…“lock” your legs). Weights, reps, sets: Begin without weights, keeping hands on shoulders. When you’ve mastered the proper form, add 3-pound, and later 5-pound, weights. Build to four sets of…

Thanksgiving Weight Loss

To Lose That Weight, I’ll… Walk my five-acre paddock and toss out the rocks. A never-ending job. –Jo Costello, California Illustration by Bonnie Timmons Heft hay bales. Our pasture will…

Weight And Balance Rule In Forks

…10, we know you have favorites. The Thunderbolt Sifter, right, and D-grip handle. A light weight is clearly important, as is good balance. No one wants to lift any more…

Send Your Horse To Fat Camp

…The first step in designing a weight-loss program is to figure out why your horse is overweight in the first place. This begins with a look at calorie intake. A…

Help For The Skinny Horse

…Both are excellent choices. Let convenience and your horse’s taste be your guide. Also With This Article ”Weight Gain.” ”Products That Promote Weight Gain.” ”Weight And High-Performance.” ”Body-Condition Scoring.” ”Straw…

Tow Vehicles for Horse Hauling

…tow guidelines, too little tongue weight can cause the trailer to sway. Too much tongue weight can cause insufficient weight on the front wheels of the tow vehicle, resulting in…