English Versus Western Riding – Which is Easier?

…riding in an english saddle and giving “english” aids, will have no trouble converting to western, if they should decide that they’d like to participate in the western equestrian sports….

Saddle Facts

Whether you ride English or Western, the saddle is designed for comfort and security. However, Western and English saddles, while both offering these same functions, look very different from one…

Conformation Clinic: Western Pleasure Prospects

…and deviations become more apparent–making it even more necessary to begin with great conformation. In evaluating these three horses I’m looking at their suitability as Western pleasure horses. Click “Next”…

Western Hats – Shape Matters

…doesn’t have to be synonymous with boring. It’s OK to have little flash in Western pleasure, Western riding, or trail classes. (We’ve recently seen sparkle and bling on hatbands and…

Differences Between English and Western Saddles

The Western saddle was designed for cowboys who spent long days riding the range, driving and working cattle. Leather Western saddles are much heavier than English saddles but the weight…