Ask Horse Journal: 06/02

…-Betsy Moorhouse Rhode Island You definitely can feed the TC30 (800/451-9916 or hay only and no oats. In fact, when we did our compatibility calculations, we used hay only…

California Farm Wins Equitrol Lawsuit

In June 2000, we expressed concerns about using feed-through fly-control products containing Rabon, citing problems on a Texas ranch that appeared to be linked to organophosphate (OP) poisoning. Rabon, which…

Winter May Mean Choke to Your Horse

…salt to your horse’s feed every day to encourage more water consumption. Wet feeds are easier for the horse to swallow and chew. Good choices for wet meals include: •Beet…

Weight Building After Winter

…thyroid hormone normally increase in the winter. This is a metabolic strategy found in many species. This makes your horse burn his feed more quickly-“fast metabolism”-and also makes the burning…