Book Review: Hoofprints in the Sand

…sketching, slapping mosquitoes, and studying behavior which is unique in every herd. Her theme throughout the book, which is illustrated with her own photos, is that man holds the destiny…

Does Your Horse Have Cow Sense?

…pay close attention to my horse’s behavior and make especially sure that the reins are firmly in my hand.” Does My Horse Have “Cow”? When cutting horse people talk about…

Handle On-Trail Encounters

…want to be the leader. After a spook, it’s okay to let him stop and think about it. You can reassure him, but don’t reward unacceptable behavior. Be safe. Above…

No Magic Bullets

…faced with a perplexing problem, approach it systematically. Write down any recent changes in stable routine or the horse’s behavior. If you keep a stable diary, you’re already halfway there,…

Testosterone Use And Abuse

…showed better performance with these variables than did uncastrated animals. The downside to the use of testosterone for performance enhancement is the side effects of stallion sexual behavior and aggression….