Your Horse Care Starter Kit

…– rubbing injection site with alcohol, cleaning ears/eyes, muffling sound to help calm nervous horse. Eye wash – cleansing debris from eye. First-aid book – help get emergency situations under…

Barn Building

…able to find this book: Horse and Riding Arena Design by Eileen Fabian Wheeler. Of the books I’ve seen, this one is by far the most comprehensive, sensible and informative…

The Rodeo Road

…town, the Sharlot Hall Museum features seven territorial-era buildings, historic exhibits, and beautiful gardens. And the Library and Archives, open to the public, hold a vast collection of rare books,…

Reconsidering Balance

“Riding is the only sport I know of where one species sits on another.” This quote came in a recent interview I did for the new book I’m working on,…

Reconsidering Balance

“Riding is the only sport I know of where one species sits on another.” This quote came in a recent interview I did for the new book I’m working on,…

Enjoy Your Horse on a Budget

…need to be pocketbook-friendly. Expensive shows and long-distance hauling might be deferred for the time being, but that doesn’t mean there isn’t fun to be had. With that in mind,…

Chat Transcript: James Baxter

…CG… JamesBaxter – They are just different techniques. chimprider – Is not CGI? JamesBaxter – Lauren, I spent about 2 months studying horses up close–and also anatomy books and videos….

Six Steps to Jumping Better

…course designer Linda Allen’s fabulous book 101 Jumping Exercises for Horse and Rider describes this exercise, designed to develop rhythm and the horse’s obedience to your aids as you develop…