Letters: 09/01

…and downward transitions from a verbal command, is a great help. -Kay B. Blassic, MFH Virginia ———- Racehorse Personalities I was shocked by “Bitting the Ex-Racehorse” (July 2001), which seems…

Ask Horse Journal: 08/01

…in on rides, 2 oz. at every rest stop, but it hasn’t helped. Do I need to give more or increase the potassium’ -L. Kelly Virginia The reason it hasn’t…

Letters: 07/01

…willing to pay a little more for the pelleted form in order to ensure my horses eat it. -Trish Conk Virginia We agree pellets are a more convenient choice, especially…

Bulletin Board: 05/01

…USDA is under pressure to ban equine imports from England, following the lead of Australia and Canada. Colorado and Virginia also banned entry to horses from FMD countries. Horses don’t…

Ask Horse Journal: 01/01

…to keep the blanket from sticking. What am I doing wrong’ -Trish Conk Virginia The fleece fabric itself is very flexible, more so than the materials used to bind it….

Ask Horse Journal: 11/00

…McKinney Virginia The only way to really know what your horses might need and/or be seeking from the soil is to have your pasture analyzed for mineral content. But, based…

Bulletin Board: 09/00

…as well as reports of deaths of horses in both North Carolina and Virginia with tests pending. The same mosquito surveillance systems used for the West Nile virus (sentinel chickens…

Bulletin Board: 07/00

…the Cape Lookout National Seashore of North Carolina. PZP has also been used on horses for 13 years at Assateague Island National Seashore in Virginia. It’s manufactured from porcine (pig)…