Married with Horses: The Write Way

…with a giggle. “I think you should write about Vander ripping the tail flap off of Madison’s blanket,” said Brownie. “I think you should write about how you gave us…

Grooma`s Style Is Superior

…made with backs molded into ergonomically designed shapes and/or covered with rubberized non-slip coatings, making them easy to grip, like the brush from Tail Tamer, which was especially comfortable to…

Ask Horse Journal: 10/99

…is simply is not comfortable riding in a slant-load trailer, which may not give her as much space from head-to-tail as the straight-load. Is going back to a straight-load out…

Married with Horses: The Clothes Make the Horse

…think their story involves ninjas, an international terrorist conspiracy and ring-tailed lemurs. (OK, so I’m not sure about the story including lemurs.) Anyway, the vet told me “the injury” was…