Equitation for Adults

…Of course, western riders ride with a little longer stirrup. Jumpers and hunt seat riders prefer a short stirrup that gets them out of the saddle over a fence, and…

Shoulder-In & Shoulder-Fore

…and the rider to the shoulder-in. In shoulder-fore, the rider displaces the horse’s front end slightly to the inside, with the result that the horse’s inside fore travels slightly inside,…

Better Riding Wins

…the riders in the top echelon, riders that can do a credible job with most any horse they encounter. We’re talking about the other 90 percent of us who need…

Is There An App For That’

…that you have to be three kinds of riders?a dressage rider, a cross-country rider and a show jumping rider. It is enticing to think of being able to touch the…

Stress Rx

…to help you see how they fit into your schedule, and comments from real riders. Some may work for you better than others, but you can customize them to fit…