Ulcers in Horses

…is proud to announce two additions to its line: Ultium Gastric Care®, and Outlast®. Gastric Care, while maintaining all the premiere elements of Ultium, includes highly digestible fiber sources, including…

7 Tips to Horse Hoof Health

…horse’s ailing hooves. Meanwhile, you’re missing out on another weekend of team roping. Could this scenario be avoided? Yes. Organize your approach to horse hoof care, farriers say, and your…

Horse Blanket Know-How

…increases in hay, grain, vet care, farrier visits–all things arguably more important to general equine welfare than keeping them in clothing. But don’t get in a rush to nix quality…

Euthanasia: Let’s Talk it Over

…be a mind-bender and heart breaker. We go to great lengths, expense, and effort to preserve our horses (vet care, blanketing, supplements, etc.), so of course it feels “inside out”…

Prevent Horse Fence Failure

…boards nailed on or the power is hooked up. For everyone’s well-being, care for your fences as conscientiously as you care for your horses–with diligence and an eye toward potential…

Horse-Show Biosecurity: Is Your Horse at Risk?

…competitor, she prided herself on the meticulous care of her four horses. Although disappointed when circumstances prevented her from competing last spring at the biggest show in her area, Sarah…