Dujardin and Valegro Win Second Consecutive Individual Olympic Gold at Rio

…Capture Dressage Team Gold –> http://www.equisearch.com/article/laura-graves-clinches-olympic-team-bronze-rio-germany-captures-dressage-team-gold-53793 Dujardin and Valegro Lead Rio Dressage But Germany Remains Team Favorite –> http://www.equisearch.com/article/dujardin-valegro-lead-rio-dressage-germany-remains-team-favorite-53786  Germany Leads in Team and Individual Competition After Day 1 of Olympic Dressage –> http://www.equisearch.com/article/results-from-day-one-of-olympic-dressage-in-rio-53773 Save…

Find the Bit That Fits

…of making and enforcing rules for USEF/USDF-licensed dressage competitions, including the rules determining legality of saddlery and equipment. The dressage division of the USEF Rule Book includes four full pages…

Ask Horse Journal: 03/99

Care For Your New Saddle I have a new Barnsby dressage saddle and don’t want to make any mistakes caring for it, especially initially. In the past, I have successfully…