Equine Shipping Wraps and When to Use Them

…referrals. For more information about the USRider Equestrian Motor Plan, visit www.usrider.orgonline or call 800-844-1409. For additional safety and travel tips, visit the Equine Travel Safety Area on the USRider website…

Steer the Equine Tail

In recent issues, we compared the control and steering mechanisms of your horse to a car. We illustrated how your reins are the steering wheel and your legs are the…

Feed What You Need

…up into the adequate range. In this case, Vita-Key’s Equine Supplement is an excellent choice. Streamlining Supplements Whether you need a supplement to meet basic ration-balancing needs or for special…

Seven Most Common Horse Feeding Mistakes

equine nutritionist with Kentucky Equine Research in Lexington. “Too many people think that hay is just busywork for the horse and do not realize that it is a major calorie…