A Pre-Flight Check Out

…this horse. Trainer’s Tip I Don’t Ride Bucking Horses If the horse bucks when the owner rides him, or if the owner reports that the horse occasionally bucks, I don’t…

Horse Vision and Eyesight

Good question. Myths about horse vision litter the ground like discarded betting stubs after the favorite loses a race. We are told that horses only see the world in black…

Anhidrosis in Horses

Many horse owners have wished that their horses would sweat less. It would certainly help keep our mounts and tack cleaner. However, sweat plays a vital role in our horses’…

Ranch Horse Versatility

…www.americanranchhorse.net American Paint Horse Association: www.apha.com/ranchhorse American Quarter Horse Association: www.aqha.com/showing/divisions/versatility.html Rocky Mountain Quarter Horse Association: www.rmqha.com/recreational/ranch Southern Stockhorse Association: www.southernstockhorse.com Ranch Horse Association of America: www.rhaa.org Stock Horse of…

Stand for Fly Spray

Training a horse to stand while applying fly spray is a must for every horse owner. Horse health care is an important issue and John Lyons shares his expert horse

How to Pony with Confidence

Simply put, ponying means to lead a horse alongside the horse you’re riding. On the trail, ponying comes in handy when training a new horse. As the ponied horse’s herd…