Design a Top-Notch Deworming Program

Horse & Rider magazine. For more information on deworming, check out Deworming Your Horse: How to Find the Best Deworming Schedule for You and Your Horse, a free guide from…

Vaccinate Early for Maximum Protection

…dose. Realistically, then, it can take up to 10 weeks for the horse to be disease-resistant. That’s why it’s so important to start the round of vaccinations now.” Dr. Conger…

Daily Dewormers Boil Down To Price

…plans: 1. Horses that have had previous colic surgery. 2. Horse that colicked in previous 12 months or have a chronic colic history. 3. Horses under five months old, not…

Letters: 07/00

vaccinations article, you state that natural strangles infection provides lifelong immunity. I heard this is not necessarily true. -Paula Vervaet Georgetown, NY Some horses that are said to have had…

Equine Herpesvirus: What You Need to Know

…can cause severe illness and severe disease, and I can’t tell you which horse is going to get sick and which horse isn’t, if they have it. Each horse is…