On the Rail with Nancy Jaffer

…highly successful HITS show series, a coast-to-coast enterprise that is one of the industry’s most powerful forces. Struzzieri–viewed as the leader who would take the council to independence from USA…

Purina HOW Horse Owner’s Workshops in 2009

…workshop in the industry that provides horse owners with up-to-date information on equine nutrition, veterinary issues, health and maintenance care, training techniques, the latest gear and more. “Across the nation,…

Will A Slant-Load Fit Your Needs’

…automobile industry has advanced technologically to produce steel cars that resist rust, the trailer industry never followed suit and instead pushes aluminum as the answer. undefined Scheve worries about aluminum’s…

A Wrap-Up of 2005, A Look Ahead to 2006

…document ever compiled on the American horse industry” show the importance of that industry to the nation and are a useful tool for those lobbying for equine-related causes. Compliments to…

Microchips: Limited Choices

…want this to happen to our horses. (As you probably are aware, the pet industry has been using microchips for many years.) We wish that the industry and government would…

What is PATH Intl. and What Do They Offer?

equine-related activities used for therapeutic purposes, including mental health, which collectively is known as equine-assisted activities and therapies (EAAT).  Today PATH Intl. has more than 850 member centers and nearly…

Polo Community Updated on EHV-1 Outbreak

…DVM, addressed a gathering of over 100 on the effects of the Equine Herpesvirus type 1 (EHV-1) outbreak on the polo community. Dr. Short, DVM, Veterinarian Manager-Equine Programs for the…

Horse & Rider Honored in AQHA Steel Dust Awards

…Quarter Horse industry by television, newspapers, radio, photographers and AQHA Affiliates. Judges for the 2002 contest were Jill Goodrich, Vice President Fleishman-Hillard International Communications; Summer Best, Editor Equus Caballus published…