Barn Blind

…stalls with runs, a decorative cupola with weathervane on top and, that ultimate magazine-induced luxury, a hot water heater. The home rancho-a full acre which is considered vast by local…

Western Horse Show Fashion Clinic 5: Vests

…open necklines if you’re showing in hot or humid weather. Leather or fabric, decorated with rhinestones or in a classic tapestry, vests easily–and affordably–capture a rider’s personality and transmit it…

You Know You’re A Horse-a-holic When?

…your interior decorator the local tack shop? 9. Was your furniture and carpeting chosen with your horses in mind? 10. Are your end tables really tack trunks with tablecloths thrown…

Bulletin Board: 08/00

…taken part in a window-decorating contest with equestrian themes for 13 years, with a $100 prize and a blue ribbon. Each business that enters the contest gets free admission to…

Use Speed To Improve Your Canter

…needs to break. Another solution is to build canter strength on the longe line. It’s unreasonable to ask a weak or unbalanced horse to canter at a decorous pace with…