End Barn Odors

Credit: Thinkstock No one needs to be told how much harm a smelly barn can do to your horse. The ammonia from urine and manure can cause respiratory problems, including…

Call Out The Natural Guard

If you don’t mind birds, barn swallows will happily nest in your barn, paying ?rent? by eating as many insects as possible. Kermit might sing, ?it isn?t easy being green,?…

Boarding Stables: A Labor Of Love

…low-cost barn workers, including working students and local people willing to work for minimum wage, have dried up. Many barns now have to follow the same 9-to-5 employment rules as…

The Trail Home

…prefer to have the option of keeping your horse at a communal barn. The barn may require that owners care for their horses, or they may offer everything from daily…

Do You Have a Barn Buddy’

…bounced from barn to barn, till I found a suitable facility. While full-service boarding barns provide basic care?feeding, turnout and stall cleaning?you don’t know if they have an educated staff….