Honey & Bran Mash

horse was suddenly succeeding in the show ring and I needed a trail horse. She had a touch of Appy-mottled muzzle, eye rims and tiny striped feet. For me, that…

Duct It In Black

…while we check for anything that could poke out and hurt the horse. Most of the time we can cover small projections with the duct tape and quickly have one…

Progress in the Cold

The horses love that the builders have continued on despite the below-zero wind-chill We’ve been experiencing here.? They stand in the paddock, munching their hay, watching what’s going on. This…

Winter Weight Loss

…Remember that it’s the digestion of hay, not grain, that helps keep your horse warm. A cold horse will burn more calories and, when a horse’s coat is wet, it…

Horse Containment While Camping

…use the swivel-type knot eliminator. Train your horse at home by rigging a highline in your corral or arena and tying your horse — along with several other horses —…