Lyme Disease In Horses

…known to induce insulin resistance in other species. When the horse is already predisposed to being insulin resistant, the insulin resistance is difficult to control by diet alone. Diagnosing Lyme…

Ask Horse Journal: 01/05

…a horse with insulin resistance. Check with the manufacturer to make sure the one you’re considering is no higher than 10% sugar and starch combined. The safety of high fat…

Understanding Founder in Horses

…long-term extreme stress from showing, or prolonged medication, or–and this is pretty new thinking–insulin resistance, a condition I liken to human diabetes. Insulin resistance is caused by an inability of…

The Three “Rights” of Deworming

…has some level of resistance and that resistance varies greatly by geographic location, as well as by parasite. The only way to know for certain if there is parasitic resistance

Lite Is A Misnomer

…seniors that have trouble handling regular hay. For the severely insulin-resistant and/or alfalfa-intolerant insulin-resistant horse, stick with beet pulp or substitute a hay pellet or chopped forage, such as the…

Skip The Drug Metformin For Horses

…exercise unless the horse is already laminitic, remains the most, in fact only, effective treatment for insulin resistance in horses. Watch for our upcoming article on diagnosing and managing insulin-resistant horses….

Four Keys to Equine Weight Loss

…him ill, possibly worsening insulin resistance and/or causing hyperlipemia (elevated blood triglycerides and impaired liver function).  The trick to successful, healthy weight loss is to feed your horse properly. Allow…

It`s a Matter of Time

…fact. Kathleen had read articles on insulin resistance and knew Joe fit the profile, but she was in information overload. She didn’t know where to start in order to fully…

Ask Horse Journal: 04/06

…of magnesium. Controlling insulin resistance (IR) takes more than just a magnesium supplement.??Strict control of sugar and starch intake is also essential. No grain. Even many of the low-carb feeds…

Letters: 12/04

…in this case or any other. Better to give each a try alone to see the response you get. As for insulin resistance, the cortisol released in response to ACTH…