Ask Horse Journal: 12/00

Stirrup Bar Struggles My dressage saddle is an older Passier and it fits my horse very well. However the location of the stirrup bars causes me to struggle with my…

Balding Style: Fewer Cinch Galls

…include thin-skinned or fat horses and horses soft from lack of condition. Loose skin behind the elbow — particularly extra loose skin — is vulnerable. Conformation that puts the withers…

Do Breathing Aids Affect Performance’

…open jumpers, barrel horses, endurance horses or upper-level eventing, the benefits for the average sport horse, competing at moderate speeds, are debatable at best. As of yet, no ruling exists…

Purebred Mania

In the case of dogs, everyone knows mutts make the best pets in terms of health and attitude, but it’s the purebreds that sell. What about horses’ Are we doing…

Herm Sprenger Boucher Bit

…symmetry of its bars. If the bars are not equal in length, the bit may lie crooked in the horse’s mouth and contribute to the horse evading the aids by…

Ask Horse Journal: 07/99

…Do not discount the effects of exercise, however. Splints are most common in young, overweight horses. Horses that are “show-ring fat” are commonly affected. In a young horse of ideal…

Ask Horse Journal: 02/99

horses descending from the Quarter Horse stallion Impressive, can be confused with tying-up, especially on initial episodes and/or if the veterinarian did not see the horse having symptoms. Corticosteroids are…

A Poulticing Primer

It may be old-fashioned and low-tech, but nothing spells relief to a hurting horse like a poultice in a pinch. Some poultices are designed to reduce heat and swelling in…

What’s in a Fly Spray Label?

…turned out in the sun. By contrast, water-based sprays are less irritating to the horse’s skin, and because there’s no oil to attract dust and dirt, the horse tends to…

Apply Fly Spray the Right Way

To help your fly spray or other insect repellent do its work of keeping biting insects away from your horse both safely and well, follow these guidelines: •Start with a…