Prepare to Scribe

…I was certain that I would ruin someone’s test and management would kick me out of the show. Of course, none of these imagined horrors came to pass. Instead, my…

Get With The Beat

…the horse. For some horses, just climbing a hill at a walk will cause significant stress while another may be able to go up fairly effortlessly at a trot. To…

2011 USEF Pony Finals Wrap-Up

…her mount Game On, and Sarah Walker also from Dallas, TX, aboard La-Ti-Da. With Salopek completing double clear rounds and only four faults scored for Butler, Miller-Roberts, and Walker the…

Riding Boot Options

…not all boots-even if made by renowned manufacturers-are designed to be put into a stirrup. There are popular and comfortable boots that have the perfect tread for standing or walking…

Trail Riding Regions: Where to Ride Guide

Walking Horse Association of North Dakota Trail Ride, Grassy Butte/Turtle River State Park; (701) 947-2190 Riding Vacations Knife River Ranch Vacations, Golden Valley; (701) 983-4290; Little Knife Outfitters, Watford…

Building Rider Fitness and Stamina

…your doctor will be able to advise you. Walking is a good, low-impact way to improve your general health. My personal fitness regime includes walking right in front of my…