Plan Ahead For the Heat

…individual repellent-soaked towelettes–to reapply repellent to your horse’s face and ears if needed Electrolyte syringe Spray bottle of 50-50 water/alcohol mix; squirted on your horse’s mane and neck, helps cool…

Research News: 08/04

…is not intended for long-term use. ———- ’Ware Pheasant’s Eye A new plant poisoning in horses has been identified by the University of California Davis. Three horses died after consuming…

Swedish Warmblood

…introducing horse biomechanics to Sweden. His various articles on horse movement helped mold the warhorse into the more familiar sport horse of modern times. Appropriately enough, Ehrengranat’s writings would also…

Cheap and Quick Stall Cleaning

…how your horse keeps his stall. Most horses tend to eliminate in the same spot. They don’t like being splashed with urine or manure and usually pick a place with…

Build a Wash Rack

A horse wash area is a wonderful amenity at a barn. It provides a place to clean your horse without a lot of setup work or making a mess. And…

Ask Horse Journal: 08/04

…boots, spurs. ??? For horses that get “chapped lips,” rub onto the bars of the mouth before beginning to ride. ??? Use over small cuts and scrapes to deter insects…