The All American Quarter Horse Congress is the world’s largest single-breed horse show.

The show receives:
more than 17,000 horse show entries
houses than 8,500 registered American Quarter Horses over 3 weeks
attracts more than 650,000 people to the Columbus area
brings more than $110 million to the central Ohio economy
The Congress includes:
- an AQHA-approved Quarter Horse show
- AQHA-approved racing events
- more than seven acres of equine-related commercial exhibits
- a youth tournament
- horse bowl, hippology, demonstration, public speaking contests
- collegiate and 4-H/FFA horse judging contest
- educational demonstrations and lectures
- a queen contest
- the Super Sale horse auction
- Million Dollar Stallion Avenue.
- the Professional Bull Rider tour at Nationwide Arena in downtown Columbus.
Most attendees say that no matter how you describe it, the Congress is a show you have to experience to truly understand.
Demographics about attendees
Most attendees of the Congress are members of the American Quarter Horse Association. According to a recent AQHA membership study:
Average member age – 46
38% male
62% female
83% reside in a rural, farm or ranch area
41% hold an undergraduate degree
69% attended college
53% farm, ranch or are a management/professional
69% $50,000+
28% $100,000+
Riding style:
68% ride Western
36% ride English
Average horse ownership
7.6 American Quarter Horses per household
88% spend at least one hour per day with their horses
Average yearly expenditures
$774 average spent on tack and saddles
$592 average spent on Western clothing, apparel
$451 average spent on English clothing, apparel
$557 average spent on horse care products (excluding medications)
$510 average spent on horse care medications
Show Location
The Congress is held annually at the 360-acre Ohio state fairgrounds, which is officially called the Ohio Expo Center. The Expo Center is located at 717 E. 17th Avenue, Columbus, Ohio, 43211, along interstate 71, just north of downtown Columbus.
Show Dates:
October 7-30, 2011
The Congress was founded and sponsored by the Ohio Quarter Horse Association
The Ohio Quarter Horse Association founded the All American Quarter Horse Congress in 1967 as an event to showcase and promote the American Quarter Horse, and to educate horse owners about the care, training and showing of horses. The show has continued under OQHA’s sponsorship for more than 40 years, and is managed by the Ohio Quarter Horse Association’s elected officers and directors as well as three elected Congress Tri-Chairman. The OQHA board meets on the third Monday of each month to conduct association business as well as manage the ongoing needs of the Congress.